Do you ever feel like you’re spending too much time on your phone? Furthermore, do you ever wonder if it’s possible to engage with your phone in mindful, intentional ways?
While it may feel tempting to just ditch the darn thing, we’re realists who in many ways appreciate our technological sidekicks. The problem isn’t necessarily that we use them, but more so how we use them. So, we’ve devised a list of accessible apps and ideas that will help you engage with your phone to fill your cup, rather than empty it.

Learn a language
Learning a new language can be such a fun way to engage with your screen! Not to mention, a wonderful way to interact with the world around you. Whether you’re travelling somewhere new, feeling inspired to connect with a part of your heritage or simply looking for a new hobby, language is a wonderful outlet to explore.
There are many different apps out there, but we’ve found Duolingo to be the one we keep coming back to. It’s free (but of course you can always opt for the paid ad-free version), sends you cute little reminders, and has lessons that are as short as a few minutes long.
Listen up
Podcasts are a part of our daily routine. Whether we’re looking for a laugh, guidance, daily news updates, a radio play or a short story, we love being able to turn to this familiar format for a daily dose of humanity.
Considering the thousands of podcasts out there, we won’t pretend to know which ones are the ‘best’, but we would recommend shopping around for something that resonates! And guaranteed, if you ask around at the office, everyone will have at least five to recommend you listen to…
Lately, we’ve been listening to Writers & Company; hosted by Eleanor Wachtel, the show explores the insights, lives, and works of remarkable writers of all kinds of mediums from all around the world.
Edit your inbox
We feel there is a lot of fantastic content to be found in our email inboxes. They’re like a digital filing cabinet of inspiration!
We recommend being intentional with the emails you sign up for, unsubscribing to the ones you never open, deleting the ones you don’t think you’ll read again, and if you’re feeling especially organized… creating a folder for the ones you’d like to circle back to. This will quickly turn your inbox into a useful space you can turn to for information, inspiration, or simply a smile.
If this feels like an overwhelming task, here is a list of the top 7 apps that will help you get the job done.

The benefits of incorporating meditation into your day-to-day are plentiful. It’s an opportunity to quiet the mind and sift through the jumbled thoughts that may be clouding your ability to be present and stay grounded. It’s a brilliant way to manage stress, anxiety, it lowers your blood pressure and promotes self-awareness. Plus, if you’re looking for a bit of quiet ‘me time’, this is the perfect activity.
While Calm is one of our favourites, it is a paid app which may not feel ideal for everyone. (Though they do offer a 7-day trial period!) Another option is InsightTimer; the free version has loads of meditations and teachers to tune in with, and if you feel pulled to you can opt for the paid version which expands your options in the app.
Call before texting
We’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: With the countless digital forms of communication we experience daily, there’s nothing quite like connecting with someone over the phone. The ability to hear someone’s tone, share a simultaneous laugh, lament over something that just recently happened to you…
Perhaps try making a conscious effort to opt for a phone call the next time you’re thinking of someone special to you. It limits screen time and encourages connection.

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