“To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And reverie. The reverie alone will do, If bees are few.” - Emily Dickinson

Spring's Prelude: Under Limitless Skies
Yearning is the tone of time spent caught between a deep winter freeze and the spritely arrival of spring.
It is a quiet yearning, nearly undetectable and tucked away beneath layers of winter we’ve comfortably nestled into. In a landscape where temperatures plummet as deeply in the winter as they soar in the summer, you find yourself uniquely attuned to the cyclical nature of the seasons.
When you live under vast prairie skies, you learn the strength of feeling small; of moving through each year with humble gratitude. Of finding beauty in simplicity and appreciation for change.
And now, buried beneath winter's lingering snow stirs a gentle yearning for change. Because when the snow so much as hints at its readiness to melt away, revealing the earth it so lovingly cocooned for months, the feeling of elation is incomparable.

Inside, the sun taps on your window earlier each day, and stays late. It reacquaints itself with corners of your home and the dappled light appears different; warmer, bolder, awakening.
Outside, you are met with song tuned to the key of the neighbourhood birds, their sweet faces eagerly fluttering around budding branches. You take a breath so deep, you didn’t realize you held such capacity. You take in the aroma of life coming into motion once again.
“We survived another one! We made it.”
The camaraderie of those who have seen many deep winters together.
Simple celebration at its finest.

We feast in miniature delights; the warmth of the lingering sun, muddy paw prints on the pavement, packets of seeds and plenty of time to grow them.
We feel longing for connection, for other people, to be surrounded yet again after a season so secure in its solitude. A beautiful thing, but one that couldn’t, shouldn’t, last forever.
A longing for communing with one another. With newness. With the earth. To nourish the senses. For newfound recipes. For music. Strings and keys and soulful vocals singing sweet sounds of what it feels like to be here, now.
Because we made it. We survived another one. And so, we begin again.

If you've never ventured to the land of limitless skies and profound sense of expanse, let this be a gentle nudge in its direction.
Our latest playlist was inspired by the steady heartbeat of the prairies; of the humble sounds and scenes found in a place where horizons last as far as the eye can see; where cold hands make for warm hearts, and where the homesteads are as welcoming as the people found inside.

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